From: Chp2 The power of a star Pokemon Disclaimer is on prologue Misty:Now tell us where Team Rocket HQ is! Jessie:Well it would be in Celsdon City Game Corner,twerp Misty gets out a Mallet Misty:Dont call me a twerp again! Jessie :[shudders] ........ok Misty :Daisy, Jessie,,James ,Meowth Lets go The group heads toward Celadon City and enter the Game Corner Jessie:You press this button behind this post.... Jane:Prepare For Trouble Jack:And Make that double trouble Jane:To erect the world with devestation Jack:To strike evil into the hearts of people in our nation Jane:To dununce all morals like truth and Love Jack:To extend are evil to the sky above Jane:Jane Jack:Jack Jane:Team rocket is going to rule the world Jack:Bow to us or lose the Fight Scyther:Scy scy [thats right] Jessie :Now were in trouble these are the stronger replacements of Butchand Cassidy Jessie :Did i say trouble Jessie :Prepare for toruble James:and Make it double Misty:Will you to STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! James:Sorry Jane:Looks like we have traitors Go :Beedrill Jack:Go Butterfree Misty:togeipi stay in the bag Misty calls starmie....not you psyduck ..........return Go starmie Starmie :hiya hiya Daisy:Lets go krabby Jessie :Go Arbock J ames:So Wezzing Jack ButerfreeSleep poder All the Pokemon fall asleep exept starmie who washes it off Misty:Um Starmies Crystal is glowing whats happeing ?????? Jessie pulls outn Pokedex Jessie :i stole this a long time a go lets see Dexter:when starmie crystal glows it means it is going to use it full power...................psychic Misty:Yes ..Starmie:psychic now starmie uses its power to toss Jack ,Jane,Butterfree,and Beedrill out of the window Jane:Looks like team Rocket is blasting off again! Misty:Good job starmie How come you never used it before?? Dexter:Starmie only uses it true power when it know its friends are in big trouble Jessie:did you say trouble Jessie:prepare........ Misty:Stop it! Jessie sorry Jessie :we won we won a battle Misty:Starmie did all the work! be continued by AAMR senf comments flames and feedback to me